DC Protesters Put Trump Effigy Under Guillotine During White House RNC Speech

by Thomas Catenacci


Protesters staged outside the White House Thursday night placed an effigy of President Donald Trump under a mock guillotine.

The demonstration occurred during Trump’s Republican National Convention speech, which was given on the White House South Lawn. Trump’s address concluded the four-night convention that featured a wide array of Republican leaders.

Later in the night, kneeling protesters posed with what appeared to be a different Trump effigy. They made the effigy kneel with them.



“Ticket – Fascist, Rapist, Criminal,” a piece of paper placed on the effigy said, according to Daily Caller reporter Shelby Talcott.


Other protesters appeared to harass and assault an elderly man at a different point in the protest. The man said he was going to view the fireworks display that was set to take place following Trump’s speech.

A massive protest organized by civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network (NAN) is expected to take place in Washington D.C. on Friday. The protest is titled the “Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks,” a reference to George Floyd who died in Minneapolis police custody after an officer kneeled on his neck, video shows.

“This inter-generational inclusive day of action will demonstrate our advocacy for comprehensive police accountability reform, the Census, and mobilizing voters for the November elections,” NAN’s description of the protest read.

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Thomas Catenacci is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.











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2 Thoughts to “DC Protesters Put Trump Effigy Under Guillotine During White House RNC Speech”

  1. james bellar

    why is the secret service not arresting these bolsheviks and hanging a felony conviction around their neck?

  2. M. Flatt

    Why is it that the “liberals” seem to make use of some of the most distasteful tactics to make their point?
